Tuesday, October 23, 2018


English First Peoples Teacher Resource Guide

January 28, 2019Vancouver, BC
Pinnacle Hotel Vancouver Harbourfront, 1133 West Hastings
Event Flyer – for additional details and easy sharing
Founded upon the First Peoples Principles of Learning, English First Peoples courses for Grades 10-12 offer all BC students backgrounds the opportunity to explore First Peoples’ worldviews through written, visual, and oral literature. The courses were developed through the collaboration of First Nations educators with the BC Ministry of Education and it is notable that English First Peoples (EFP) 12 is fully equivalent to English 12 for BC post-secondary entrance requirements.
Originally published in 2008, the EFP Teacher Resource Guides have been revised to reflect the revised BC curriculum and incorporate recently-published First Peoples literature. At this workshop, teachers will receive a copy of the new resource guide, discuss its use, participate in activities from the guide, and see our display of First Peoples literature resources.


Integrating First Peoples Content and Principles of Learning into Schools and Classrooms

January 18, 2019
Vancouver, BC
Pinnacle Hotel Vancouver Harbourfront, 1133 West Hastings
Event Flyer – for additional details and easy sharing
The First Peoples Principles of Learning are making an impact on our education systems, but we have only begun to understand how they can be used as a framework to build a stronger education systems for all learners.  This workshop is designed to help educators effectively integrate First Peoples content/perspectives and the First Peoples Principles of Learning into classrooms and schools.  Participants will examine how we can create an equitable education system that supports the success and well-being of learners as a part of Reconciliation through education, and will examine and receive a selection of teacher resources from the First Nations Education Steering Committee and the First Nations Schools Association.

Monday, October 15, 2018

UBC Beading Event

Thursday, October 18: Beading Night at the LonghouseBeadwork is one of the most well known art forms of Indigenous peoples of North America. Learn to bead, eat some snacks and make some new friends at the first beading session of the year.
Thur, Oct 18, 5 - 7 pm
The Longhouse, Elders Lounge

Frankly Speaking

Wednesday, October 17th, 2018 | 100 Neville Scarfe
5:30 PM to 8:00PM
Dear Colleagues,
You are invited to join Dr. Blye Frank, Dean of Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, for the third installment of the FRANKLY SPEAKING event on Wednesday, October 17th, 2018.
In the spirit of ideas worth advancing, the theme will be Indigenous Education. In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada released a list of 94 Calls to Action that would start the reconciliation process between Indigenous people and the settlers of Canada. The reconciliation process is indeed a process – a process that starts with education. And through education, we better understand the history, policies, practices and decisions that affect First Nations in Canada, and that have led us to today.
The Right Honourable Paul Martin will introduce the Martin Family Initiative (MFI), a charitable organization created by his family to improve educational outcomes among Aboriginal youth through innovation and collaboration.
FRANKLY SPEAKING provides alumni and friends of the Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, with the opportunity to hear from prominent speakers on featured topics relevant to the field of education.

Wednesday, October 17th, 2018
5:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. | Registration
6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. | Program
7:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | Reception*
Room 100, Neville Scarfe Building
UBC Point Grey Campus
2125 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC
Cost: $10.00
*light afternoon refreshments and discussions
Space in limited and advance registration is required.
Please RSVP by Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Reconciliation Through Education

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Course Update from: 
Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education
Go to Course

The Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia will once again offer the Massive Open Online Course: Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education starting October 23rd.
This free six week course supports professional and personal learning for advancing Indigenous priorities and reconciliation in community, education, and work contexts. It runs asynchronously, which means you view materials and engage in the course at your own pace. There are many exemplars from Canada, Australia, the US, and New Zealand.
You are receiving this email because you registered for a previous offering of the course. The course is rich with resources that you may wish to revisit.
We encourage you to register for the course and share this invitation to register with your personal and professional networks.
The course includes reports, innovations, and exemplars, as well as a range of multimodal materials. In addition, it brings attention to how all of us can strengthen our commitments to reconciliation through education and action in places where we live, learn, and work.
Re-affirm your own commitment to reconciliation by inviting others to take the course, Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education.
–  Dr. Jan Hare


October 23 – December 4

A free Massive Open Online Course


Engage with Indigenous knowledge keepers, educational leaders, and resources to enhance your understanding and knowledge of practices that advance reconciliation in the places where you live, learn, and work.


This course will help you envision how Indigenous histories, perspectives, worldviews, and approaches to learning can be made part of the work we do in classrooms, organizations, communities, and our everyday experiences in ways that are thoughtful and respectful. In this course, reconciliation emphasizes changing institutional structures, practices, and policies, as well as personal and professional ideologies to create environments that are committed to strengthening our relationships with Indigenous peoples.
For educators, this means responding to educational reforms that prioritize improved educational outcomes for Indigenous learners. In addition, educators must support all learners to develop their knowledge and understanding of Indigenous people’s worldviews and cultures as a basis for creating equitable and inclusive learning spaces. To support these goals, teachers, administrators, young people, school staff, and researchers will learn from Indigenous Elders, educational leaders, and culturally relevant learning resources as part of their experiences in this Massive Open Online Course.
For others who want to build their own competence and the capacity of those around them to engage in relationships with Indigenous peoples based on intercultural understanding, empathy, and respect, this course will help get you started in this process.


This online course is delivered using the edX platform.
  • DATES: October 23 – December 4, 2018 
  • LOCATION: Online (asynchronous) 
  • REGISTRATION: Now open!


Visit the website for more detailed information: http://pdce.educ.ubc.ca/Reconciliation/