Saturday, October 21, 2017

FNESC Workshop

English First Peoples Grade 10-12 Teacher Resource Guide Workshop
January 29, 2018, Vancouver

Founded upon the First Peoples Principles of Learning, English First Peoples courses for Grades 10-12 offer students of all backgrounds the opportunity to explore First Peoples’ worldviews through literature. The courses were developed through the collaboration of First Nations educators with the BC Ministry of Education and it is notable that English First Peoples (EFP) 12 is fully equivalent to English 12 for BC post-secondary entrance requirements.
Originally published in 2008, the EFP Teacher Resource Guides have been revised to reflect the changing curriculum and incorporate recently-published First Peoples literature.  At this workshop, teachers will receive a copy of the new guide, discuss its use, participate in activities from the draft guide, and see our display of First Peoples literature resources.

Friday, October 6, 2017

NOII Network

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Hello Educators!
You are invited to the Fall Network gathering on November 7th from 4-6pm!
This will be a good time to take a breath, connect with other thinking educators, and gather ideas from the best research and stories from around BC and beyond. Join us for some light refreshments and inspiring conversations - bring a friend!
Print the attached flyer or share it out on Facebook, Twitter and other networking spaces. This group is open to all curious minds and educators.
Date: November 7th, 2017
Time: 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Location: Templeton Secondary School, 727 Templeton Drive, Vancouver BC V5L 4N8
Please RSVP to
If you forget to RSVP and still want to come, please do. The RSVP simply helps us with catering numbers.
Thank you and see you soon!
PS: Next meeting dates: January 29, 2018 and June 7, 2018 (locations TBA)
Web: | Facebook: | Twitter @noiiaesn