Wednesday, September 27, 2017

UBC MOOC: Reconciliation Through Education


Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education course is about the need to disrupt and rethink personal and professional assumptions that we hold about Indigenous histories, cultures, and realities that very well may play out in classrooms and schools. Further, we need to reconcile the fundamental educational promise of equality of opportunity that has not yet been met for many of our Indigenous students.
Choosing reconciliation as a lens for rethinking policy and the practices of schooling acknowledges that there are contradictions in the current curriculum of schooling that impact the success of Indigenous leaners. Reconciliation in this course emphasizes changing structures and ideologies that create unequal educational outcomes for Indigenous learners in comparison to their non-Indigenous counterparts.
As educators, we need to be able to respond to educational reforms that prioritize improved educational outcomes for Indigenous children and youth. Further, all students should have opportunities to learn from Indigenous histories, traditions, and knowledges as part of a social justice education.
This course will enable educators to envision how Indigenous ways of knowing, content, perspectives, and pedagogies can be made part of classrooms, schools, and communities in ways that are thoughtful and respectful. This is an approach that more and more educators see as far more likely to ensure the success of Indigenous learners, which is important to their families and communities, but also to the future of Canada.

Course begins on October 17, 2017.

Register through edX.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Walk for Reconciliation

A Richmond School District team joined the thousands of people on the streets to support the Walk for Reconciliation on Sunday, September 24, 2017.

Prime Minister's Youth Council

Deadline Sunday, October 1: Applications to Join the Prime Minister’s Youth Council The Canadian government is currently seeking applications from youth between the ages of 16 and 24 for the Prime Minister’s Youth Council. The Prime Minister’s Youth Council is a group of young Canadians who provide non-partisan advice to the Prime Minister and the Government of Canada on issues that affect all Canadians, such as poverty, climate change and employment. Being on the Council provides young people with a unique opportunity to demonstrate leadership in their communities and across the country.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Musqueam movie at VIFF

c̓əsnaʔəm: the city before the city

Sea to Sky | BC Spotlight
We live our lives on land that was never ceded or sold by those who were living here at "first contact" and yet we know precious little about the Lower Mainland before real estate. People often think of Vancouver as a new city, when in fact this region has been occupied for 9,000 years. This film aims to correct that with a meaningful reminder of the history and prehistory of this land and her first people.
Located in the area now known as Marpole in Vancouver, c̓əsnaʔəm was first occupied almost 5,000 years ago and became one of the largest of the Musqueam people’s ancient village sites. Generations of families lived at what was then the mouth of the Fraser River, harvesting the rich resources of the delta. Today, intersecting railway lines, roads, and bridges to Richmond and YVR obscure the heart of Musqueam’s traditional territory, yet c̓əsnaʔəm’s importance to the Musqueam community remains undiminished. VIFF alumnus Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers, in collaboration with the Musqueam First Nation and the UBC Museum of Anthropology’s curatorial team, shares an important and well-researched reflection on a time when BC was indeed super and natural.

October 1
October 6
To purchase tickets, visit:̓əsnaʔəm-the-city-before-the-city


Indian Horse

Panorama | True North | Special Presentations
In this moving adaptation of Richard Wagamese’s acclaimed novel, director Stephen Campanelli condemns Canada’s most deplorable injustice while celebrating our national game’s transcendent power. Torn from his Ojibwe family as a child in the 1950s, Saul Indian Horse is left to languish in an Ontario residential school, where he’s forbidden to speak his own language and faced with corporal punishment for the slightest transgression. Undaunted, Saul finds salvation on a sheet of ice, where he demonstrates a hockey sense that allows him to slip bodychecks with a dancer’s grace and constantly leaves him three moves ahead of opponents. However, even when his talent provides him with an escape from the school and places him on the precipice of stardom, he can’t evade the ramifications of past abuses.
A frequent member of Clint Eastwood’s camera team, Campanelli ensures that Indian Horse is lensed in inspired fashion, contrasting the claustrophobic confines of the school that restricts Saul’s self-expression with the expansive canvas of the ice where he’s allowed to demonstrate an artist’s flair. Abetted by Dennis Foon’s empathetic script, the director also elicits tremendous performances from the three actors—Sladen Peltier, Forrest Goodluck and Ajuawak Kapashesit—who play our guides through Saul’s two decades of trials and triumphs. Saul’s resolve and strength in his struggle ultimately serve as a testament to the Indigenous peoples’ indomitable spirit.
September 30, October 2
Check out this link to purchase tickets:

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Indigenous Conference. Free Registration.

Awakening the Spirit Conference. Free registration.




October 18 – 20, 2017 
Musqueam Indian Band, 6735 Salish Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Call for Student Submissions!

An interdisciplinary journal that honours the voices, perspectives and knowledges of First Peoples through research, critical analyses, stories, standpoints and media reviews. 

Call for submissions!

The First Nations Child & Family Caring Society is thrilled to announce the second child and youth edition of the First Peoples Child & Family Review!

Canada is celebrating its 150th birthday. However, the events of the past century and a half have not always been cause for celebration, especially for First Nations children and their families and it is important to acknowledge the discrimination that these children continue to face.

This special edition is a chance for children and youth across Canada to share their thoughts on the past 150 years, along with their hopes for the future. Children and youth, Indigenous and non Indigenous, from across the country are invited to submit a letter/poem/one-page drawing/two-page essay on one or both of the following topics:

- Your hopes and dreams for the next 150 years in Canada for Indigenous children, youth and families 

- Your reflections on the significance of the past 150 years in Canada for Indigenous children, youth and families. 

English, French & Indigenous language submissions are welcome! For more details and a registration form, click here.

La Revue sur l’enfance et la famille des Premiers Peuples est consacrée à la recherche interdisciplinaire honorant les voix, les perspectives et les connaissances des Premiers Peuples par le biais de recherches, d’analyses critiques, d’histoires et de points de vue des médias.

Appel aux soumissions!

La Société de soutien à l’enfance et à la famille des Premières Nations du Canada est heureux d’annoncer la deuxième édition enfants et jeunesse de la revue des enfants et des familles des Premiers Peuples!

Cette année le Canada célèbre son 150e anniversaire, cependant pendant le dernier siècle et demi, les enfants Premières Nations et leurs familles n’ont pas eu beaucoup à célébrer et c’est important de reconnaitre la discrimination contre ces enfants.

Cette édition spéciale permet aux enfants et la jeunesse partout au Canada de partager leurs pensées sur les dernières 150 années, et leurs vœux pour le futur. Les enfants et la jeunesse, autochtones et non-autochtones sont encouragés à soumettre des messages/poèmes/dessins d’une page/dissertation de 2 pages sur ces sujets, soit un ou les deux :

- Vos espoirs et rêves pour les prochaines 150 années au Canada pour les enfants, jeunesse et familles des Premières Nations 

- Une réflexion sur l’importance des dernières 150 années au Canada pour les enfants, jeunesse et familles des Premières Nations 

Les soumissions en anglais, français et en langages autochtones sont la bienvenue! Pour plus amples détails et une fiche d’enregistrement, cliquez ici

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Walk For Reconciliation on September 24, 2017

You are invited to join School District No. 38 at the Walk for Reconciliation on September 24th!

On Sunday, September 24, join thousands of Indigenous peoples and all Canadians in the Walk for Reconciliation in Vancouver. The Walk for Reconciliation is an invitation for all peoples to participate in the reconciliation movement.

We are walking because we want to show our commitment to the reconciliation movement as we work together to create a vibrant inclusive Canada where all peoples achieve their full potential and shared prosperity. Reconciliation starts with you and reconciliation belongs to all of us. I hope you will join us and support this movement.

Join the team here:

From our Team Page, click on the ‘Join My Team’ to register.

If you are unable to attend, you can still show your support by making a gift towards the Walk. To make a donation, click the link above.

Kind regards,
Leanne McColl

BC Field Trip Fair

Take learning on the road with BC Field Trips

Join us!

15th Annual Field Trip Fair for Teachers

Hosted by
The Olympic Experience at the Richmond Oval | The ROX

6111 River Road, Richmond
Monday, September 25, 2017
3 p.m. to 6 p.m. (arrive when you can)

FNESC Science First Peoples Workshop

Science First Peoples WorkshopSeptember 22, 2017

Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel, 7551 Westminster Highway, Richmond
In this workshop, see how First Peoples’ perspectives in science can be recognized and included in science inquiry and take home examples of fully developed units that correspond with the Big Ideas and Learning Standards in the BC Provincial Science Curriculum for grades 5- 9.
Book your accommodation at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport hotel, 7551 Westminster Hwy, Richmond by August 29, 2017  by phoning 1-800-663-0299 quoting “FNESC Science First Peoples Workshop”.  Online booking link.  You can also register your license plate for complimentary parking.