Tuesday, May 23, 2017

FNESC Summer Institute

Learning First Peoples Summer Institute for Teachers

August 21-24, 2017
Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel
7551 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC
The Learning First Peoples Summer Institute is designed to support educators to bring quality, authentic First Peoples teaching and learning into BC classrooms.
Comprised of three different sessions, which can be selected individually, the sessions will introduce resources that focus on themes, issues and topics of importance to First Peoples learning and informed by the First Peoples Principles of Learning. Each session will include print resources, activities and opportunities for professional dialogue and networking.
For questions, please contact Riannon Nahanee toll-free 1-877-422-3672 riannonn@fnesc.ca
  • English First Peoples, Grades 10-12, August 21-22, 2017 (two days) $30
  • Residential Schools and Reconciliation Teacher Resource Guide (Elem/Sec), August 23, 2017 $30
  • Science First Peoples Grades 5-9 First Peoples, August 24, 2017  $30
If your preferred session/s fills to capacity, email the event administrator to be waitlisted.
Eligibility to Attend
First Nations school, public school and independent school teachers are invited to attend.
Registration Fees
Credit card and cheque are accepted. All registration fees must be paid by August 1st or the registration will be cancelled.
Cheques: If paying by cheque please send the cheque with a copy of the registration confirmation payable to First Nations Education Steering Committee c/o CivicInfo Mail to: CivicInfo BC, #203 – 4475 Viewmont Avenue, Victoria BC, V8Z 6L8.
Daily Schedule
Breakfast 8:30 am; Session 9:00 am to 3:00 pm (breakfast and lunch provided)
Venue and Accommodation
Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel, 7551 Westminster Highway, Richmond. Reservations: (604) 273-7878
Book by July 20, 2017 quoting FNESC Workshop Summer Institute for the negotiated rate of $209+tx. Space is limited – please book early!
Travel Reimbursement
Travel/hotel reimbursement is available only to teachers from BC First Nations schools, maximum 3 per school, per session.
Please mail your travel claim to FNESC post-marked within 30 days of the event to be eligible for reimbursement. You must include original receipts for hotel, ferry, airplane, taxi, bus and parking.
A travel claim form will be provided at the event a sample Travel Claim Form – April 2017 is available for reference (rates subject to change). A summary of FNESC policies is on the reverse of the form.
When you register online, you will receive an automatic email confirming your registration.
You will only be reimbursed for “most economical” mode of travel.
Individuals eligible for travel reimbursement living more than one hour or 90 km from the event location can apply for hotel reimbursed at the negotiated rate.
Please do not claim breakfasts or lunches on the meeting day because they are provided.
Have a safe trip and thank you for your participation!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

National Aboriginal Day

NAISA Conference, June, 2017

From June 22 to 24, 2017, the University of British Columbia and its co-hosts will welcome NAISA, the largest scholarly organization devoted to Indigenous issues and research, to UBC’s Vancouver campus on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Musqueam Nation.

To get a feel for UBC, Vancouver, and the rich local history of Indigenous activism and arts, watch our conference trailer. Follow the tabs above for logistics and other information, and watch this space for regular updates as the conference approaches. We look forward to seeing you in Vancouver in June!
In this place and territory, we honour our commitments to ethical relationships and rigorous exchange of ideas that further the aims and sovereignties of Indigenous individuals, communities, and nations and the goals of NAISA as a scholarly organization. As the host committee, we are seeking to create a space that is free from harassment and violence, physical or otherwise. We ask for your support in this, and we take our direction from the First Nations House of Learning’s mandate which follows the Longhouse Teachings of Respect, Relationships, Responsibility, and Reverence. All of this is in keeping with longstanding protocols, relationships, and commitments established here. We hope attendees come with a generous spirit, a deep sense of ethics, and a genuine enthusiasm for the work we will all be doing together.
To register:

Monday, May 8, 2017

BCTF Reconciliation Activities

Just a reminder of Spring Reconciliation activities coming up for you to participate in.  Please see below for some ideas and see First Nations Child & Family Caring Society link https://fncaringsociety.com/events-make-difference for more information.
Bear Witness Day, to take place May 10, encourages individuals of all ages to honour Jordan’s Principle implementation by bringing their teddy bears to daycare, school or work. This year marks 10 years since Jordan’s Principle was unanimously passed in the House of Commons, and last year the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ordered the federal government to fully implement Jordan's Principle by May 10th, 2016. With another year passed, First Nations children continue to face discrimination in accessing government services on the same terms as other kids. Anyone can show their support and “Bear Witness” to Jordan’s Principle by hosting a “bear birthday party”, coffee break or lunch to learn more about Jordan’s Principle and to honour Jordan River Anderson. Photos of Bear Witness events can be shared on social media, including the Bear Witness Facebook event page (https://www.facebook.com/events/1272485976133090/) using the hashtag #JordansPrinciple.
Honouring Memories, Planting Dreams (HMPD), which is celebrated annually in May and June, invites people of all ages to join in reconciliation by planting heart gardens in their communities. Heart gardens honour residential school Survivors and their families, as well as the legacy of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Heart gardens can be indoors or outdoors; they can include decorated paper hearts and/or real flowers and medicines. Each heart that is planted represents the memory of a child lost to the residential school system, and the act of planting represents that individual’s commitment to finding their place in reconciliation. You can find out more and register your event at honouringmemoriesplantingdreams.ca.
heart butterfly   IMG_2055   IMG_2056    IMG_2057 IMG_2060
Our Dreams Matter Too (ODMT) is an annual walk and letter writing event that takes place in June to support culturally based equity for First Nations children. First Nations children get less funding than other children for services like education, health and child welfare and this makes it hard for them to achieve their dreams and grow up proud of who they are. ODMT is an opportunity to encourage children, youth, families, schools and organizations to write letters to their MP and the Prime Minister supporting culturally based equity for First Nations children, and to organize a walk to a mail box in their community. ODMT highlights the importance of reconciliation and that every child matters no matter where they come from! You can find out more and register your event at ourdreamsmattertoo.ca.
At the Caring Society, we believe that meaningful reconciliation engages people of all ages in learning about Indigenous child rights in Canada. Our spring reconciliation activities provide individuals and organizations with the opportunities they need to make a difference, in fun and creative ways. We hope that you can join us by taking part this spring!
If you have any questions or require any resources, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Gail Stromquist
Assistant Director, Aboriginal Education
Professional and Social Issues Department BCTF
100-550 West 6th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4P2