Monday, February 29, 2016

Aboriginal Worldviews and Perspectives Resource Video

Good afternoon, everyone.  A new video featuring Aboriginal educators from around the province has just been posted to our website here:

There is also a PowerPoint presentation that can be used as a training template to support educators in BC through professional development workshops and to supplement the resource booklet. The short video highlights educators from around the province speaking about the importance of including Aboriginal education throughout the education system as the new curriculum is implemented.

This project is a call to action for educators and leadership to create and enhance learning environments to serve each learner, family and community. Aboriginal voice is dominant in this resource guide and reflects the opinions of community members.

This resource guide aligns with the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the newly revised curriculum emphasizing relevant, authentic inclusion of content regarding Aboriginal culture, language and history. The resource guide supports educators and provides context as they incorporate the First Peoples Principles of Learning into their learning environments.

Ted Cadwallader
Provincial Director
Aboriginal Education, Learning Division
BC Ministry of Education

Friday, February 26, 2016

Monday, February 22, 2016

Truth and Reconciliation Panel Discussion, Thursday, March 10, 2016

 Thursday, March 10: Truth and Reconciliation Commission & UBC: Responding to the Call to Action for Education

In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission released its final report and Calls to Action. The purpose of this UBC 100: Indigenous Education Alumni Speaker Panel, featuring 3 of UBC Education's 100 outstanding alumni, is to share insights, create dialogue, and develop individual and cooperative action to accelerate the success of Indigenous education, with an emphasis on the past, present, and future role of the UBC Faculty of Education.

Panelists: Celia Haig-Brown, The Role of Non-Indigenous Allies; Deborah Jeffrey, The Role of the First Nations Education Steering Committee and First Nations Schools; and Cheryl Sebastian, The Role of K-12 Educators
Thursday, March 10, 2016, 4:15 - 6:15 PM
Sty-Wet-Tan Great Hall, Longhouse
This is a free event but registration is required for catering purposes. RSVP to

Thursday, February 18, 2016

First Peoples Science Workshop by FNESC, March 14, 2016

More educators are recognizing the need
incorporate First Peoples perspectives and content
into Science courses, and are looking for resources
to help them do this authentically and respectfully.
Currently, FNESC and FNSA are developing a First
Peoples Science Teacher Resource Guide for grades
5‐9. At this workshop, educators will examine the
draft guide and explore some sample activities. The
session provides the opportunity for participants to
provide feedback to inform the further drafts of the

Please register early to avoid disappointment!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Coastal First Nations Dance Festival

March 4-6: Coastal First Nations Dance Festival

The 2016 Coastal First Nations Dance Festival returns to the Museum of Anthropology and will include two Signature Evening Performances on Friday and Saturday, as well as afternoon performances. These performances will showcase the diverse and rich cultural traditions practiced by a selection of some of the best artists from coastal British Columbia, the Yukon, as well as national and international guest artists. Throughout the festival, the Museum’s Great Hall will be transformed into a celebration of Indigenous cultures and dance traditions.
Friday, March 4 & Saturday, March 5, 7:30 PM
Saturday, March 5 & Sunday, March 6, 1–4 PM

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Medicine Collective at UBC Farms

The Medicine Collective

2015 Medicine Workshops - Indigenous Health Research and Education Garden
About the Medicine Collective
The Medicine Collective is a group of Indigenous Elders and Knowledge-Keepers sharing traditional teachings and supporting workshops to reconnect and restore our relationships to lands and peoples that live on Turtle Island.
[portfolio_slideshow id=1687]
Since 2009, the Medicine Collective members have been instrumental in guiding the activities and direction of the Indigenous Health Garden. With their guidance and support, the garden has grown to include over 40 varieties of medicinal plants, a garden design centred on concepts of holistic health, and over 300 visits to the garden each year for medicine walks and workshops run by the Medicine Collective.
For up-to-date information about the Medicine Collective, you can download a three-page summary of highlights from all of the garden programs in 2014 here.
View the invitation to the 2015 Medicine Workshops here

Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Forum of Reconciliation, March 9, 2016, hosted by the Vancouver Public Library

Reconciliation Lunch and Learn, March 3

The Richmond Public Library is honoured to be hosting a Lunch & Learn Event on Thursday March 3 2016 at the Brighouse Branch, provided by Reconciliation Canada. Here is their website:

Here is the link to RPL's event calendar and registration page:

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

New York City votes to keep Controversial Seal

January 8th, 2016
WHITESBORO, N.Y. -- A village whose logo has been called racist and offensive because it appears to show a white man choking a Native American said it's considering changing it, but a vote on Monday night appears it might be kept after all.
Whitesboro's website says the emblem dates to the early 1900s and depicts a friendly wrestling match between village founder Hugh White and an Oneida Indian. It says White won the match and the lasting respect and goodwill of the Oneidas.
The seal appears on village trucks, police cars, signs and documents. Controversy has waxed and waned over the years and came to a head last summer when an online petition was posted by someone from out of town who saw the logo and took offense.
CBS Albany reported on Monday evening that the overwhelming majority voted to keep it as is.

Aboriginal Math K-12 Symposium

You are invited
to the 6th Aboriginal Math K-12 Symposium:
Sharing Approaches for Improving Aboriginal Mathematics Education.

Thursday May 12, 2016
UBC First Nations House of Learning (1985 West Mall) 
9:00 am – 3:00 pm

2016 Theme: Indigenous Education, Mathematics Education and the Curriculum

Registration will be available by mid March 2016.

The 6th Aboriginal Math K-12 Symposium is an opportunity for teachers, administrators, Ministry representatives, community members, and academics to connect, explore, imagine and share new ideas, resources and research on Aboriginal mathematics education from Kindergarten to Grade 12.

Purpose of the Symposium is to:
   share research and educational projects about improving Aboriginal math education K-12
   develop community connections to facilitate and support improving Aboriginal mathematics education
Please direct questions about the symposium to: Kwesi Yaro

Please share this email with your colleagues!

Talking Stick Festival 2016, Workshops for Schools

As part of the Talking Stick Festival programming and Full Circle First Nations Performance's mandate, Workshops in Schools is a program that is incorporated into the school curriculum to expose school aged children to the teachings and rich history of the First Nations People. Workshops include Powwow Dancing, Storytelling, Metis Jigging, Hip Hop and more.
The program is accessible to all Metro Vancouver schools and students from Kindergarten to grade 12 in areas with high Aboriginal population, based on the Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement (Vancouver School Board)
  • Designed to offer first-hand experience in Aboriginal arts programs that directly builds their skills
  • Enriches school curriculum by offering interactive workshops taught by experienced artists delivered directly to classrooms of Kindergarten to grade 12 students
  • Enhances Aboriginal children's sense of belonging in the community and builds pride about tstorytellerheir culture and rich history
This year's brochure and guidelines will be made available soon.
The series consist of storytelling, performing and visual arts workshops and classes programmed directly into schools and community centres in areas where many members of the Aboriginal community reside.
Each session is designed to emphasize interaction, participation, dialogue and education in a lively, creative environment. The bottom line is fun!
We offer this program to students in order to preserve the language, culture and art forms of the First Nations people, to encourage creativity, to build self-esteem and to share! The stories and art practices of First Nations culture have enormous depth, they are rich with teachings, and they are as relevant today as they were in the past.
We conduct workshops in your classroom, school gymnasium or in your local community centre! You choose what works best for you!
All workshops and classes are facilitated by leading professional artists who have worked nationally and internationally. 
How Much
All workshops are offered at a suggested donation of $150. No school will be turned away due to financial restrictions.
Full Circle currently offers the following:
  • Traditional Storytelling
  • Métis Jigging
  • Powwow Dancing
  • West Coast Singing and Dancing
  • Movement Response Workshops
  • Irquois Workshops
  • TSF Colouring Contest
Subject to change.
  • TSF Poster Design Contest
Madeleine McCallum, Education and Outreach Coordinator: 
Sponsored by: Vancity 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

My River, My Home Resource Kit

 Teaching about place and the land honours the First Peoples Principles of Learning.

Here is a link to a free to download resource put together by the Fraser River Discovery Centre.

Help students discover the Fraser River through creative, hands-on activities designed with British Columbia's school curriculum in mind.

Download our free My River, My Home Resource Kit for lesson plans, activities and background information related to the ecosystems, cultures and industries connected to the Fraser River. The kit aligns with our fully guided education programs, with many activities that are suitable to extend learning before or after field trips to the Fraser River Discovery Centre.

BCTF teachers sharing their resources in Aboriginal Education

These resources are free to download.

Feel free to contribute your own!