Monday, February 24, 2014

FNESC Residential Schools Workshop

Residential Schools & Reconciliation Workshops 

2014 Schedule
February 14, Grade 5 – Vancouver, Coast Plaza Hotel & Suites 
February 28 Grade 10‐12– Vancouver, Coast Plaza Hotel & Suites 
March 7 Grade 5 – Vancouver, Metropolitan Hotel

We invite educators and administrators from both public schools and First Nations schools in BC to join our upcoming Residential Schools and Reconciliation Workshops in Vancouver. The workshops are intended to share our draft Teacher Resource Guides and invite feedback from educators to further develop the resources.

About the Project
The First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) and the First Nations Schools Association (FNSA) are creating Residential Schools and Reconciliation curriculum in order to contribute to the reconciliation process and develop shared understandings.
Inspired by the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, this project is intended to develop age‐appropriate residential school curriculum.
“The Commission recommends that provincial and territorial departments of education work in concert with the Commission to develop age‐appropriate educational materials about residential schools for use in public schools.”
– TRC Interim Report
The draft curriculum, for grades 5, 10 and 11/12, is founded upon the First Peoples Principles of Learning, and the literature, primary sources, and video interviews are largely from BC.
These day‐long workshops are an expanded version of the workshops previously presented at the FNESC’s 19th Annual Aboriginal Education Conference. 

See FNESC website for details.

Free FNESC Math Workshop

Math 8 & 9 First Peoples Workshop

MFP (1)A Professional Development Workshop for Teachers
March 14, 2014, Vancouver, Metropolitan Hotel
Teachers are invited to a day-long workshop to explore how to incorporate math instruction approaches that reflect the realities of First Peoples in BC, while meeting provincially prescribed standards for mathematics.
All participants will receive a copy of the resource Teaching Mathematics in a First Peoples Context, Grades 8 & 9, engage in discussions with colleagues and sample hands-on math activities.
By learning about the content, perspectives, and teaching approaches shared in this workshop, teachers will be able to help students of all backgrounds better understand the importance of mathematical thinking within all human cultures and appreciate the significant place of First Peoples within the historical and contemporary fabric of this BC.
FNESC, the First Nations Schools Association and the provincial government continue to develop First Peoples curriculum and classroom resources with the goal of increasing Aboriginal student achievement and creating more inclusive schools that reflect First Nations issues and realities.                                 

About the Event 

  • Eligibility to attend: First Nations school, public school and independent school teachers are invited to register.  Registration is free of charge.
  • Travel expense reimbursement is available for one representative per BC First Nations community (Band) and subject to FNESC finance policies.
  • Breakfast:  8:30 am; workshop 9 am to 4:30 pm; breakfast and lunch provided.
  • For questions or assistance, please call 1-877-422-3672 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Aboriginal Math Symposium, UBC, Friday, March 7, 2014

Sharing Approaches for Improving Aboriginal Mathematics Education

Friday, March 7, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
First Nations House of Learning
1985 West Mall
2014 Theme: Math, Weaving, Storytelling, and Drawing
Registration is free but required for catering purposes. Registration will be available by the beginning of February 2014.
The 4th Aboriginal Math K-12 Symposium is an opportunity for teachers, administrators, Ministry representatives, community members, and academics to connect, explore, imagine and share new ideas, resources and research on Aboriginal mathematics education from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Purpose of the Symposium is to:
  • share research and educational projects about improving Aboriginal math education K-12
  • develop community connections to facilitate and support improving Aboriginal mathematics education
Please direct questions about the symposium to:
This symposium is sponsored by the UBC Faculty of Education’s Indigenous Education Institute of Canada, the Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy, & the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS).
The First Nations House of Learning (Longhouse) is at 1985 West Mall. See Wayfinding @ UBC for campus maps.

MOA Weaving Pro-D Workshop, Friday, February 21, 2014

This teachers’ professional development day will focus on First Nations textiles, including Salish weaving and Northwest Coast Button Blankets.

The morning begins with a presentation by Musqueam weaver Debra Sparrow, who will speak to the revival of weaving at Musqueam, traditional techniques and contemporary applications. Participants will be introduced to MOA’s Northwest Coast textile teaching collection, exploring designs, materials and techniques.

The program includes presentations and discussion on cultural uses, protocols, applications and innovations. Research tools and resources, both online and in the Museum, will also be discussed. Participants will take away suggested activities and recommended online resources. The day will conclude with a behind the scenes look at the collection.

Cost: $30 including lunch.
If you require any further information, please contact: or 604-822-5978

Workshop takes place from 9 AM - 3:30 PM, Friday, February 21, 2014.

To register, please go to: