Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pathways Family Night

Come and join us at the November family night at Pathways Aboriginal Centre located on Alderbridge Way. There will be a family night once a month so please watch for more details!

Nov Family Night

Pathways newsletter - December 2011

Here is the December newsletter of Pathways Aboriginal Centre. Please check out the calendar of events and the homework club that is new this year!

Winter 2011 Final 2

Friday, November 18, 2011

Brighouse School Grand Opening

Brighouse Elementary School had their Official Grand Opening on Friday, October 28, 2011.

A giant Talking Stick carved by Musqueam artist, Joe Becker, was installed in the front foyer of the school and marked this special occasion. Joe was present to open the Ceremony as well as to talk to the guests about the significance of the talking stick.

Today, one of the most important lessons to be taught is to listen carefully when someone is speaking. The talking stick was traditionally used in council meetings to insure order and organization. The person holding the stick in the circle was the only one permitted to speak. The animals carved in the talking stick each represent the values of the Brighouse community.

For more detail on the artist and his work, please view the video below and click the following link for more information on the Opening of Brighouse school:

Arrival of the Talking Stick at Brighouse